Synopsis: Desert Punk is an anime that takes place in a world torn apart because of a war on a global scale. In the year 3000 (approximately), civilization lived the "Age of Darkness, " as nuclear war had shaken the whole world and most of the planet Earth was nothing more, nothing less than a vast desert. The protagonist is Kanta Mizuno, also known as the Desert Rebel (or Desert Punk - hence the series name) and lives in the desert of Kanto, which corresponds to what is now Japan Desert Punk has a reputation as a clever mercenary , a young man who always finishes what he is assigned and uses different skills to do it (in most cases are homemade skills to defeat their enemies).
Data from the Anime:
Original title: Sunabouzu
Genre: Action / Comedy / Fiction
Created: Masatoshi Usune
Director: Takayuki Inagaki
Studio: Gonzo
Released: 2004
No. Episodes: 24
Chihiro Suzuki Sunabouzu the
Saito Chiwi the Kosuna
Fuyu Jiro Saito the Kawaguchi
Norio Wakamoto the Amagumo
Tomoko Kotani Junko Asagiri the
Kawano Wotoya the Haruo Kawaguchi
Akio Kawaguchi Yasuhiro Takato the
Data File:
Fansubber: ASUF
Video Type: MKV
Language: Japanese
Size: 180 MB
Length: 24 min
Resolution: 640 x 480
Data from the Anime:
Original title: Sunabouzu
Genre: Action / Comedy / Fiction
Created: Masatoshi Usune
Director: Takayuki Inagaki
Studio: Gonzo
Released: 2004
No. Episodes: 24
Chihiro Suzuki Sunabouzu the
Saito Chiwi the Kosuna
Fuyu Jiro Saito the Kawaguchi
Norio Wakamoto the Amagumo
Tomoko Kotani Junko Asagiri the
Kawano Wotoya the Haruo Kawaguchi
Akio Kawaguchi Yasuhiro Takato the
Data File:
Fansubber: ASUF
Video Type: MKV
Language: Japanese
Size: 180 MB
Length: 24 min
Resolution: 640 x 480
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